NAPA of Central Missouri Billiards - What's different?

Just another pool league?  In one sense, yes.  But there are some major differences between this pool league and other popular leagues in Columbia, in Missouri, and in the US.  Here are some differences that make it BETTER!

  1. NO ANNUAL DUES!  This is a savings even before you play.  ALL other leagues charge $22-$30 to be part of their league.  NAPA does not have an annual charge.  Therefore there is no "upfront" charges.
  2. $7 each time you play and no table charges.  Some league charge up to $10 each time you play and some leagues even charge a $1 for each game for playing on the tables.  In Columbia MO there is no table charge and the cost is $7.
  3. Three, four, or five person teams.  NAPA leagues can be formed into a 3 person, 4 person, or 5 person league for team size.  Other leagues ALWAYS have 5 person teams unless a doubles league.  This allows teams to stay formed through the summer or other periods of time when people may not want to play league quite as much.  Currently Columbia and Jefferson City MO have a four man team format.
  4. 8-ball, 9-ball, 10-ball formats are available in NAPA.  Currently the king is 8-ball but we have the capacity to go to other formats.  Other leagues only have 8-ball and 9-ball,
  5. Shorter nights.  With a four person team your league night will not stretch out to midnight.  If you are like me you have a hard time getting up the next day after playing pool till midnight.  With the four person concept you are done by 10:30 at the latest.  Also, we encourage playing on two tables so if they are available you can be done by 8:30!  Can the other leagues say that?
  6. Simplified score keeping.  Who wants to keep up a complicated scoring procedure by tracking innings or balls made or missed?  Have you ever had problems finding someone to keep score?  Not anymore.  In NAPA the score keeping is EASY.  Just enter their name, ID, skill level, and race and then a W or L on each game.  After all games are played enter any bonus points like 8 on the break, 8 ball break and run, or rackless match (one in which you NEVER racked and won every game).  That is it!
  7. HIGH payouts.  For example, this season with 12 four person teams the first place team receives $1,200.  That is more than the other leagues pay out with five person teams.  We are also, for this season, paying down to 6th place.  50% of the teams receive payback.  And they are published before the season begins.  Who else does that?
  8. GREAT online stats!  Check out the national website at and click on find a league then click on Missouri.   Then click on the Tuesday night 8 ball league.  There you can check out any team or any person and be amazed at the stats that are provided.  Be sure to check out the local website as well.
  9. Easily qualify for the NAPA Nationals Tournament.  This year it is $60,000+ and is FREE ENTRY SINGLES.  NO other league does this either.  The first year it was in Hot Springs Arkansas.  Last year it was in Nashville TN.
  10. Handicap system is unique.  It is from 0-100+ and makes allowances for the difference in handicaps.  For example in other leagues a 5 playing a 4 is a 4-3 race no matter how good the 5 is or how bad the 4 is.  In NAPA the race can be different if it is a high 5 playing a low 4.  It would be 5-3.  the larger the difference the larger the race.  For example a high handicap like a 93 playing a low handicap like a 21 is a 9-2 race.
These are only some of the differences in NAPA and other pool leagues.  Come and play and find out the REAL differences.