Monday, October 22, 2012

The difference between timing and rhythm.  Believe it or not we all have rhythm!  When it comes to pool both timing and rhythm are important.  Timing is how long it takes to get ready for a shot.  Stance, warm up strokes, etc.  Rhythm is the cadence of your game, or to put it another way, the rhythm of moving from one shot to the next.

Timing and rhythm are different for everyone.  You have heard the term "in the groove" and that really refers to rhythm.  Taking the same practice strokes, whether it is one, two, five, or ten, every time.  That is something each player has to develop and your body then becomes accustomed to that.  How many times have you done only one or two practice strokes and then missed the shot when you normally take 4-5 practice strokes?  You probably said, I rushed it.  You probably did.  Try to take the same number of strokes each shot but do NOT count your strokes.  They will become second nature.  If it does not feel right then STOP.  Start over.  Rhythm is very important.

Timing is also important but in my opinion not as important as rhythm.  Timing can throw your game off as well.  Remember, it is the time it takes to execute your shot.  If you vary your timing then your rhythm can be off as well.

To determine your best timing and rhythm you need to practice.  That is all there is.  You can try a different number of practice strokes until you feel comfortable and confident.  Timing can also be practiced to become a routine.  In fact, the mere act of shooting a cue ball should be routine.  The less you have to think about things the better your shot, and game, will be.

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